Monday, June 1, 2009

Where the mayhem begins...

My little work area...actually, i'm lucky enough to have our entertainment room set up as my "design studio"...quite the step up in the jewelry making world considering just a week ago I was making jewelry at the foot of my bed, sitting on the carpet, working out of 3 shoeboxes!!! I think Scott must have took pity on me and my poor bum...he surprised me a few days ago by setting up my "design studio" (okay, really it's just our entertainment room with a large craft table in it...some drums, the computer, oh and a bunch of toys...but let me dream and call it my studio).


  1. Your craft studio looks so organized. Much better than sitting on the floor!

  2. everything are start little by litte, happy for you to starting a little studio, waiting to see more handmade jewelry from you :)
